Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 - Oma

I want to remember this about Oma (my grandma)...

I called her the other day about something, but she didn't pick up.  When she called me back, I couldn't talk either, so she left a message.  In her message she said something like, I saw that you called so I wanted to know what I can do for you?  Is there anything you need me to help you with?

I just thought it was so sweet that she is still asking what she can do to help me.  That woman serves like no other.  I want to serve as much as she does when I'm her age.  She is critical and sometimes lacks tact, but she is so giving and I love her so much.  I can't wait until she moves back to Arizona so I can see her more often.  Having her and my parents living in Colorado is the worst.

January 15, 2016 - Emma & Ollie Pink, Phone, Tomato, Teefs, Onions

Some favorite moments from the past few days...

Jaxon and Henry were talking about their homework and Emma said, "I have homework.  My pink one."

Emma was talking on a toy phone and said, "Cinderella?  Hi Cinderella...... Ok, love you, bye."

For his snack, Ollie asked for an apple.  Upon hearing this, Emma asked for a tomato.  I cut up and an apple and a tomato and they both ate them.

Ollie randomly told me in the car the other day, "Mom, all my teefs are toofs."

I was making dinner the other night and the onion I was cutting was really making my eyes water.  "Ag, my eyes!" I said.
"Are they hurting?" Ollie asked.
"Yes, from the onion."
"Well, don't look at it!"